archive of freedom


Przemyśl Cultural Society (1990-2000)

Building independence The political transformation provided an opportunity for free and independent social activity. In 1990, on the initiative of Marek Kuchcinski and a group of his friends, the Przemyśl Cultural Society (PTK) was founded, which was the direct successor of the independent culture environment of the 1980s. Kuchcinski became president of the PTK, Artur Wilgucki became vice-president, and Zygmunt Grzesiak became treasurer. The Society's goal was defined as the promotion of creativity in the fields of culture, science and

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HISTORY - A postwar portrait of opposition Przemysl

Współczesny Przemyśl należy do niepospolitych miast Rzeczypospolitej. nie tylko dlatego, że w pojałtańskiej rzeczywistości realnie symbolizuje i przypomina współczesnym południowo-wschodnie Kresy, do których zawsze przynależał, ale także dlatego, że przez wieki dźwigał niemały ciężar historii Rzeczypospolitej.

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FIRE - the heroic deed of Ryszard Siwiec (from the archives of Adam Macedonski)

Growing up in the years of post-war trauma after the de facto defeat, as the apparent liberation was after all, we accepted the "little stability" of the Polish People's Republic with ever deeper resignation - even when the social upheaval of 1956 in Poland or the Hungarian uprising gave rise to revitalizing hopes for the beginning of true liberation from communist oppression. These quickly turned into the marasm of the powerless. This was also how we largely received the next (after the Hungarian) Soviet invasion of the

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Election 1989.

Election 1989 - How to cross out your opponent The year 1989 was primarily the June elections. Although not fully free, although associated with many compromises, they brought great hope and energy. In anti-communist-oriented Przemysl, there were no problems collecting signatures for the Solidarity list. Despite doubts about the Round Table arrangements, people believed that good new times were coming. Previous reluctance to vote

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Przemyśl Cultural Society (1990-2000)

Building independence The political transformation provided an opportunity for free and independent social activity. In 1990, on the initiative of Marek Kuchcinski and a group of his friends, the Przemyśl Cultural Society (PTK) was founded, which was the direct successor of the independent culture environment of the 1980s. Kuchcinski became president of the PTK, Artur Wilgucki became vice-president, and Zygmunt Grzesiak became treasurer. The Society's goal was defined as the promotion of creativity in the fields of culture, science and

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HISTORY - A postwar portrait of opposition Przemysl

Współczesny Przemyśl należy do niepospolitych miast Rzeczypospolitej. nie tylko dlatego, że w pojałtańskiej rzeczywistości realnie symbolizuje i przypomina współczesnym południowo-wschodnie Kresy, do których zawsze przynależał, ale także dlatego, że przez wieki dźwigał niemały ciężar historii Rzeczypospolitej.

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FIRE - the heroic deed of Ryszard Siwiec (from the archives of Adam Macedonski)

Growing up in the years of post-war trauma after the de facto defeat, as the apparent liberation was after all, we accepted the "little stability" of the Polish People's Republic with ever deeper resignation - even when the social upheaval of 1956 in Poland or the Hungarian uprising gave rise to revitalizing hopes for the beginning of true liberation from communist oppression. These quickly turned into the marasm of the powerless. This was also how we largely received the next (after the Hungarian) Soviet invasion of the

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Election 1989.

Election 1989 - How to cross out your opponent The year 1989 was primarily the June elections. Although not fully free, although associated with many compromises, they brought great hope and energy. In anti-communist-oriented Przemysl, there were no problems collecting signatures for the Solidarity list. Despite doubts about the Round Table arrangements, people believed that good new times were coming. Previous reluctance to vote

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